Follow Us Unleashed: Revolutionary Decentralized GPU Network

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Share on linkedin represents a paradigm shift in the realm of computing. It is a network that leverages blockchain technology to create a distributed ecosystem of GPUs. 

It offers a solution to the increasing demand for computational power in AI and machine learning. Many machine learning engineers use their scalable distributed clusters of GPU resources at a low cost.

This computing network project is a decentralized peer-to-peer infrastructure network (DePin) framework initiative. It is built on the Solana blockchain architecture. 

Their mission is to set up a decentralized cloud computing network by assembling 1 million + GPUs from different data centers, crypto miners, and crypto projects. A GPU supplier receives rewards in the form of $IO tokens.

Core Components

The core components of include IO Cloud, IO Worker, and IO Explorer. Below, you can check more details regarding these products from this computing network: 

– IO Cloud

    IO cloud allows users to deploy and manage GPU clusters. This cloud platform provides different options for the various types of clusters with famous Machine Learning (ML) frameworks like TensorFlow or PyTorch

    IO Cloud service is suitable for users who need computational power with minimal delay. Also, this service allows users to manage GPU resources without investing in expensive hardware. 

    – IO Worker

    A GPU supplier provides computing power through an IO Worker. It automatically manages the network’s computing power. It ensures cost-efficient use of the provided GPUs while scaling to meet the network’s needs. 

    IO Worker interface allows the suppliers to lease out their GPU resources. In this way, they can earn income from renting their computing power. 

    – IO Explorer

    It is a comprehensive network exploration tool that provides real-time insights into cluster deployments and computational tasks. Also, IO Explorer allows users to check other details like network performance and pricing information. In this way, ensures transparency in their network’s operations.

    $IO Token

    $IO is the native token of the platform. It is the main currency for making payments within the network. Different computing power suppliers get $IO tokens as financial incentives. 

    This is why many individuals and businesses are preparing to lease their idle GPU and CPU resources to  

    Then, users stake their tokens to earn additional rewards. Also, it provides users with access to the platform’s DAO. 

    Token holders get the right to vote in decision-making processes. You can purchase a $IO token from the Raydium website by connecting a Solana-based wallet.

    Tokenomics of $IO Token

    The value of the $IO Token is $0.00004313 at the time of writing. It has a fully diluted market value of $14,825.43. It has a fixed supply of 800 million tokens

    At the time of launch, 500 million tokens were distributed. Then, 300 million tokens were distributed as hourly rewards.  

    Staking $IO Tokens

    Users stake $IO coins to support the operations of A user has to lock their tokens in a staking contract. It helps in securing the network and contributes to its stability. Token holders receive staking rewards in the form of $IO tokens. 

    These rewards are the share of a network’s transaction fees. A user cannot withdraw IO tokens immediately after staking. There is an unstaking duration during which the tokens remain locked. 

    Robust Security is a reputed decentralized platform that chooses only trusted computing power suppliers. They have partnerships with different data centers and other contributors to power ML applications. They prioritize suppliers with SOC2 compliance

    Also, this computing network platform is based on Solana blockchain technology, known for high-speed and low-cost transactions. 

    Security is paramount in’s network. They use end-to-end encryption to secure users’ data from unauthorized access. Their company maintains a strong commitment to data privacy. They do not share any information with third parties.

    Community of

    The platform has a vibrant community of individuals, developers, and businesses. They are enthusiastic about decentralized computing and machine learning technologies. The community members believe in the vision of to democratize access to computational resources with ease. 

    This platform conducts airdrops to incentivize its users. Also, they provide educational resources and developer tools for discussion. The community is a testament to the project’s commitment to fostering strong relationships within the blockchain community. 

    Achievements of

    This blockchain project has made significant achievements in its mission to revolutionize the GPU computing landscape. Below, you can check their top achievements: 

    – Successful Funding

    This platform raised $30 Million in a Series A  funding round led by Hack VC. It showcased the confidence of investors in the project’s vision. 

    – Quantum Leap in GPU Availability has increased the availability of GPUs. It has become a significant player in the decentralized computing space, with nearly 700,000 GPUs in its network. The platform has supplied more than 47,000 computing hours to clients. It shows the significant growth in the machine learning landscape. 

    – Financial Incentives

    The network is successful in providing over $300,000 to computational power providers. These users have made money by lending their computing resources for AI and ML projects. 

    – Strategic Partnerships has partnered with decentralized computing networks, including Render Network and Filecoin. They integrate their GPUs into the network. In this way, this platform has expanded its capabilities. 

    Future of

    The future of the computing network platform is quite promising. They have a strategic plan to solidify its position as a leader in decentralized computing. This platform adds GPUs and other computational resources to provide affordable services to machine learning and artificial intelligence companies. 

    It focuses on improving the user experience by offering a scalable platform to provide immense computational power to its users. Then, suppliers can make profits by lending their GPUs.


    This article is for educational purposes for readers. It does not constitute financial advice for anyone. Readers are advised to conduct their own research before making any financial decision. They should consult with professionals to use any decentralized platform. 

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