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StratoVM Embraces Avail DA for Scalable and Secure Data Availability

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StratoVM is committed to delivering a robust and scalable DeFi infrastructure on Bitcoin. Therefore, it is transitioning its data availability layer to Avail DA. This cutting-edge solution decouples data hosting, execution, and verification for optimal efficiency and modularity.

Avail DA redefines scalability by combining erasure coding, KZG commitments, and data availability sampling. Thus, it ensures robust data availability guarantees for rollups like StratoVM. This innovative approach allows light clients to independently verify data availability through efficient sampling. They do not need to download entire blocks, bolstering security through a decentralized approach.

Why is Avail DA Essential for StratoVM?

By separating the data, execution, and verification layers, Avail DA simplifies blockchain integration. It supports diverse execution environments, including EVM, WASM, and custom runtimes. This modular architecture aligns perfectly with StratoVM’s design philosophy, enabling seamless integration and customization.

Moreover, Avail DA is optimized for rollups, reducing strain on Layer-1 and leading to lower operational costs and transaction fees. Thus, it further enhances the scalability and cost-effectiveness of the StratoVM Layer.

“We are excited to embrace Avail DA as our data availability solution,” said StratoVM co-founder. “This cutting-edge technology not only reinforces StratoVM’s scalability and security but also aligns with our vision of providing a modular and customizable DeFi infrastructure on Bitcoin.”

A Crucial Feature of Avail DA

Integrating Avail DA is essential in StratoVM’s journey to unlock the full potential of decentralized finance on Bitcoin’s secure foundation. By decoupling data availability from execution and verification, StratoVM can achieve unprecedented scalability while maintaining top security and decentralization standards.

One of the key advantages of Avail DA is its ability to ensure robust data availability. It guarantees through a combination of coding, KZG commitments, and data availability sampling. This innovative approach allows light clients to independently verify data availability through efficient sampling. It eliminates the need to download entire blocks and bolsters security through a decentralized approach.

Furthermore, Avail DA’s modular architecture simplifies blockchain integration and supports diverse execution environments, including the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), WebAssembly (WASM), and custom runtimes. This flexibility aligns perfectly with StratoVM’s design philosophy, enabling seamless integration and customization to meet the specific needs of various DeFi applications.

Avail DA significantly reduces strain on Layer 1 by optimizing for rollups, leading to lower operational costs and transaction fees. This cost-effectiveness, combined with StratoVM’s inherent scalability and security, positions the platform as a compelling solution for building decentralized finance applications on Bitcoin’s bedrock.

As StratoVM gears up for its highly anticipated mainnet launch, the integration of Avail DA represents a significant milestone in the project’s roadmap, solidifying its commitment to delivering a robust, secure, and scalable DeFi ecosystem on Bitcoin’s bedrock.

Last week, StratoVM launched its highly anticipated testnet, inviting developers, users, and protocols to join the forefront of innovators building the future of DeFi on Bitcoin’s secure foundation. 

Stay tuned for further updates and developments as StratoVM continues pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in decentralized finance on Bitcoin.

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